Hate and forgiveness di Micale e Legaz - ZIP Rivista Letteraria per i Giovani

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Hate and forgiveness di Micale e Legaz

Qui Poesia > Le vostre Poesie

Hate and forgiveness.

di:  Ylenia Jessica Micale & Tom Légaz

I'll talk about forgiveness,
Salvation against the darkness,
Violence, human laziness,
Act on us as a temptress.

Last time you saw me
You know your eyes  were full of hate,
hate for me.
But Hate has fight against  Forgiveness
For years and for ages creating Loneliness.

Alone, Like a little gull with tied wings
I ask you
Forgiveness for my human sins.
But Hate has fight against  Forgiveness
For years and for ages creating Loneliness.

In a light blue sky,
Where the sun shines
The gull wants fly.
But Hate has fight against  Forgiveness
For years and for ages creating Loneliness.

There is no winner in this world
And with my prick of conscience
I only attend a friendly word.
But Hate has fight against  Forgiveness
For years and for ages creating Loneliness.

Among the birds, you wanna fly,
Remaining on the ground, you can just cry
An angel, you want to bring the sky
"Forgive me," solution since the dawn of time

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